Gilroy Teachers Association
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What Good is a Bad Projection?
A district's Multi-Year Projection (MYP) is supposed to provide a REALISTIC financial glimpse for 3 years. Read more to find out how poor projections (or guesses) hurt students and teachers.

The District relies on its projections each year to forecast its fiscal future and whether or not it can make certain investments over the next few years. Unfortunately, the District’s recent projections have been
greatly inaccurate.
In 2018, the District projected it would end the 2020-21 school year with a 7.96% reserve (aka savings account). The ACTUAL reserve 2020-21 was a 29.7%!! This poor projection equated to $30 million more being put into the reserve savings than what the District projected. Imagine the support for students and teachers if $30 MILLION had been invested in the classrooms instead of a district savings account (aka reserve).
The District is once again using inaccurate projections as justification for why a meaningful investment can NOT be made in student and educator wellness, or retention and recruitment of excellent